Welcome to the North American Metabolic Academy
Established in 2007, the North American Metabolic Academy (NAMA) was created by the Society for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (SIMD) as a way of enhancing the teaching of genetics trainees about metabolic disorders, and to address the metabolic workforce issue from an educational standpoint.
NAMA Foundations provides a forum for medical genetics and biochemical genetics trainees to expand their base of knowledge about the inborn errors, their pathophysiology, diagnosis and management, while meeting their training peer group and interacting with established clinical and laboratory professionals in the specialty.
NAMA Systems Review invites clinicians who have never had any formal metabolic training: geneticists (non-metabolic) and other specialists, health professionals who work in metabolic clinics (nurse practitioners/nurses, physician associates, genetic counselors, dietitians) – and trainees to study selected areas of metabolism in more detail in order to participate more actively in the diagnosis and management of patients with inborn errors of metabolism.
Our Courses
September 2025
NAMA Foundations
A 6-day comprehensive review of the inborn errors primarily for medical genetics and biochemical genetics trainees. Given the increasing number of applications each year, individuals are permitted to attend NAMA Foundations only once.
Februrary 2025
NAMA Systems Review
Each 2.5 day conference focuses on (a) specific area(s) of metabolism, oriented around a particular organ system or presenting symptom. The topics change from year to year. Repeat attendance at future meetings is permitted (and encouraged)!
Meet the Editors
Jerry Vockley, MD, PhD
Executive Editor
Cleveland Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Research, Professor of Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh
Chief of Genetic and Genomic Medicine, Director of the Center for Rare DIsease Therapy, UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Mark Korson, MD
Executive Editor
Director of Physician Support
Director of Education
VMP Genetics, LLC
Shamima Rahman, FRCP, FRCPCH, PhD
Executive Editor
Professor of Pediatric Metabolic Medicine
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
What People Are Saying
“It’s a really powerful endorsement for this field of medicine that it’s seasons experts come here for a whole week to teach trainees. I am very impressed, and makes me feel excited going into this field. It was a great learning experience.”
— SIMD NAMA Attendee
“NAMA is amazing and so glad I was able to attend. The NAMA songs were fun before starting lectures, with great networking. The talent show and metabolic jeopardy were great ways to finish the week.”
— SIMD NAMA Attendee
“As a NAMA faculty applicant, I vividly remember my experience at NAMA Foundations during my training as a budding geneticist. It was a wonderful experience and jam-packed with opportunities to delve into the pathogenesis and management of inborn error of metabolism. The faculty were dynamic and engaging, and that week of intensive learning sparked my interest to further my training in biochemical genetics. I am forever grateful to have had this opportunity which shaped my career and helped form lasting connections with colleagues within the field.”
— SIMD NAMA Faculty Member Applicant
NAMA Founding Sponsors
Interested in becoming an Exhibitor?
If you are interested in supporting NAMA and participating in the Exhibitor Fair on Day 2 of NAMA Foundations, please contact us!